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News powered by The Franklin Chronicles

What is Franklin Chronicles?
A successor to our print magazine, The Franklin Chronicles, this blog allows us to continue to communicate the importance of the arts and sciences to an expanded audience through a variety of means – articles and announcements, video, news and opinion – to pick up the conversation of why the arts, humanities and sciences matter so much at this juncture in the history of our university, our nation and the world. Read more

What's it like to be a walk-on football player and a biology major in the Franklin College?  Sophomore Ben Reynolds knows and here's a terrific new video featuring him and his experiences at UGA.



There is a fantastic, international show up at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, featuring great artwork and highlighting an important mechanism for faculty collaboration: the Fulbright Scholarship Program:

The Lamar Dodd School of Art is hosting an exhibition of works by Diane Edison, a… Read Article

Former Franklin associate dean Michelle Cook has been named as the new associate provost for institutional diversity at the University of Georgia:

Cook has been leading the university's Office of Institutional Diversity as interim associate provost since Cheryl Dozier stepped down to… Read Article

The UGA department of physics and astronomy has been hosting a monthly open house at the UGA Observatory since at least 1998 (trying to confirm the actual beginning*). This tradition continues on Feb. 24 from 7:30 - 9 p.m. on the fourth floor of the physics building.

Jupiter, Venus… Read Article

Since at least the 1970's, University of Georgia researchers and engineers have been working on the many different facets of developing renewable energy sources, from biodiesel to fermentation, soil sequestration and more. The many different avenues provided opportunities for crucial bench-scale… Read Article

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