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Tags: Society

The Writing Intensive Program in the department of English is providing a set of transformative experiences for young students this summer, where the tangible benefts of writing well become their own reward: The students from Cleveland Road Elementary School wove tall tales of unicorns and beds that transform into sports cars when they visited UGA recently. Their fantasies could have tangible benefits in years to come, said Madison…
First-year Orientation sessions begin tomorrow, June 1, and we want to welcome all new students and parents who will be visiting campus for two-day tours/registration/information sessions all summer. It can be an overwhelming experience, as we well understand, though orientation has been designed with this in mind. Still, there is much to take in; the University of Georgia operates like, and offers as many services of, a small city: Where will…
  The University of Georgia website features a short written profile and video of Richard B. Russell Professor in American History Claudio Saunt. Saunt, who's been featured on the Chronicles many times, is known for his interest in early American, Native American and digital history. His digital projects, which give many people outside of academic access to interactive historical perspectives, has helped him make his mark.   He is…
While campus may seem quiet, with less students and faculty here for classes, there's one endeavor that picks up steam during the summer months. Each summer, a number of renovation and construction projects become priority on campus. Today, one such progress has begun--the renovation of Russell Hall. This 10-story, high-rise building first housed students in 1967 and is one of many dorms over the last few years to be scheduled for…
There's a lot more to the arts and sciences than meets the eye, especially when the great artists or inventive scientsts combine the two to let us all see something beautiful: Physicist and saxophonist Stephon Alexander has argued in his many public lectures and his book The Jazz of Physics that Albert Einstein and John Coltrane had quite a lot in common. Alexander in particular draws our attention to the so-called “Coltrane…
The Big Day is here! Our graduate students began receiving their diplomas this morning and the undergraduate class of 2017 has an appointment at Sanford Stadium this evening. Let flow all pomp and circumstance! All the fun is being streamed by the Center for Teaching and Learning. Follow the festivities on social media with #UGA17. Congratulations to our graduates, their families, friends and loved ones.
Stacy Cobb takes the Commencement stage tomorrow and steps into UGA history as she adds a chapter to her own wonderful story: The first African-American to earn a Ph.D. in statistics at the University of Georgia, Stacy Cobb has turned a passion for public health into a career as a biostatistician. Along the way, Cobb has discovered an expansive capacity for learning, the importance of role models and the crucial role that confidence plays in the…
Research has shown that experiences such as service-learning, internships, undergraduate research and study abroad enhance academic performance and better prepare students for employment or graduate and professional school. To ensure that all students benefit from experiences such as these, in 2016 the University of Georgia became the largest public university in America to require students to engage in hands-on learning prior to graduation.…
Georgia legislators passed reforms to Georgia’s criminal justice system in 2017, but the complex web of fines, fees, and surcharges embedded in Georgia’s legal code continues to create significant hardship for the state’s poorest citizens. A team of researchers from nine universities including UGA conducted a comprehensive review of monetary sanctions - fines, court fees, restitution, surcharges, and corrections costs - in the criminal justice…
[The speaker is Siobhan B. Somerville, associate professor of English and gender and women's studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign]. Somerville's expertise includes feminist theory, queer studies and American literature. She has written extensively about the intersection of race and sexuality in U.S. literature and history and is currently studying immigration law and U.S. citizenship. Her publications include …
Congratulations to UGA juniors and Honors Program students Morgan Gibbs and Mallory Harris, who are among 240 students across the nation to be recognized as Barry Goldwater Scholars, earning the highest undergraduate award of its type for the fields of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering: Gibbs and Harris are each studying in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Gibbs, from Peachtree City, is majoring in chemistry and minoring in…
Franklin's Jessica Luton attended the recent TEDxUGA event and shares the story: This past Friday, the Athens and UGA community had an opportunity to listen to some “ideas worth spreading” via the local TED Talk affiliated program known as TEDxUGA. The event, which began in 2013, drew its biggest crowd ever, with over 1000 people in attendance. The growth of this event can be attributed to dynamic organizers and presenters year after year, as…
The statistical science of learning about the group while protecting the information of individuals in the group is called differential privacy. An interesting technical digression not included in the final version of the article: Differential privacy ensures that any conclusion drawn from an analysis remains almost the same no matter whether any particular individual’s data is used in the analysis or not. In other words, the results of the…
Addressing the low numbers of women choosing to study STEM fields and particularly in areas related to software and information technology is the focus of a documentary screening tomorrow, March 22, at the Special Collections Library: This documentary (rated PG-13) exposes the dearth of American female and minority software engineers and explores the reasons for this gender gap. CODE raises the question: what would society gain from having more…
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights briefing on Friday, March 17, to examine the Department of Justice’s enforcement efforts at the municipal level included testimony from assistant professor of sociology Sarah Shannon. The briefing focused on urgent issues involving civil rights of all Americans: municipal practices of raising money when people come into contact with the justice system. The recent past in Ferguson, Missouri brought to…
Twelve University of Georgia faculty committed to developing new courses using the University’s archival material have been named Special Collections Libraries Faculty Fellows: [The] Program provides instructional support and a $2000 financial stipend to faculty who wish to develop new courses or redesign existing courses to make significant use of the collections and resources of the University of Georgia’s three special collections…
As part of her research, McCaskill helped create the Civil Rights Digital Library Initiative, an archival online database of film, manuscripts, correspondence, speeches, photographs, posters and movement buttons from the civil rights era. She worked with CURO Program undergraduates and graduate students to create Freedom on Film, a teaching and research resource linked to the site that tells the story of civil rights in nine Georgia cities and…
Did you know to-go cups from your favorite cafe are not recyclable? How much energy does your building consume? How many of your co-workers carpool? The UGA Office of Sustainability works to educate us on these and many other questions, making the microcosm that is our campus community more in-tune with its environmental and stewardship responsibilities: Zero Waste UGA, an effort to send 65 percent less waste to the landfill in 2020 than the…
Can someone spell IMPACT? They sure can! Animal Advocacy trip to Charleston, SC cleaning the Francis Marion National Forest! We are so proud that our students can seek out such opportunities and make a difference with their time away from campus. To learn more about the program, including other future service learning opportunities, or to see what other adventures our students are participating in this Spring Break, visit the IMPACT Facebook…
Associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology Paula Lemons conducts research that aims to improve science education across the nation while helping students at UGA develop independence, teamwork and problem solving skills: When did you come to UGA and what brought you here? In 2007, during a transition in my career, I met Peggy Brickman, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Plant Biology, at a conference. She told me…
Russell Teaching Award, Georgia Writers Hall of Fame inductions and Georgia Bio Awards lead the way in recent accolades for Franklin Faculty: Three faculty members, including associate professor of genetics Kelly Dyer, receive Russell Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching – UGA Today B. Phinizy Spalding Professor of History Emeritus James Cobb among three authors named to Georgia Writers Hall of Fame – ABH Yiping Zhao, Distinguished…
From the history of the university to a musical premiere to questions about the president, Franklin faculty expertise is a vital resource across the news media. Some recent articles and broadcast segments: The Whole Story: UGA's Often Overlooked Black History– Flagpole article quotes professor of English Barbara McCaskill and Franklin Professor of English Valerie Babb, director of the Institute for African American Studies Finding the lost Fort…
The extraordinary new films Moonlight and I Am Not Your Negro are the focus of special screenings and panel discussions this week. On Wednesday Feb. 22, Moonlight: A screening of Barry Jenkins’s Oscar-nominated film, followed by a panel discussion with Valerie Babb, professor of English and director of the Institute for African American Studies; Ed Pavlić, professor of English and creative writing; and Channette Romero, associate professor…

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