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Tags: Society

The 'digital' designation is becoming superfluous, if not redundant, such do we all live in a world of 1s and 0s. Not to say that we don't make distinctions between the digital and the real world, but that the intersections have become not just more numerous but increasingly complementary to each other. The Digital Humanities, for instance, refers to an area of research and scholarship at the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the…
Congratulations to Juanita Johnson-Bailey, director of the Institute for Women's Studies, who has been named the 2015 recipient of the Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award, an honor given by the American Association of University Women for outstanding contributions to equality and education for women and girls: Established in 1989, the Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award is given for a broad range of activities including classroom teaching, educational and…
The Franklin Visiting Scholars program, sponsored by the Franklin College Office of Inclusion & Diversity Leadership, offers departments within the Franklin College the opportunity to nominate scholars for 2-4 day visits in the fall and spring to deliver a colloquium, meet with faculty and students, and deliver a guest lecture to a class. Today at 3 p.m. in room 248 of the Miller Learning Center, UGA welcomes Franklin Visiting Scholar…
 James Cobb, Spalding Distinguished Professor of History, takes to the pages pixels of to discuss how “the end of the Civil War on April 9, 1865 was the beginning of the region’s identity": Confederate leaders may have believed they had built a unified nation in 1861, when they framed a new government and sent their troops off to war with hearty assurances of a quick and glorious victory. Amid the centennial observance of those…
Though Karls has been involved in outreach projects since coming to UGA in 2000, it wasn't until 2009 that she started her own projects, which include establishing a partnership between UGA and the first and second USA Science and Engineering Festivals and providing science demonstrations at the Clarke County Young Scientist Fair and local elementary and middle schools. ... "I believe service-learning classes are crucial in developing and…
This is certainly no joke, and already getting a lot of attention in the media. The digital humanities continue to take significant leaps forward with the use of maps as information graphics - and maybe they always have been, even in 2D, but add history, technology, data, narrative and... wow. Mapping Occupation, a recently launched web-based project by UGA and City University of New York historians, provides the first detailed look at where the…
It's not even the end of the month and Franklin faculty (plus one venerable old building) have been in heavy rotation across a variety of media, on many of the most important issues of the day. A sample of the great work from our experts: The hidden history behind the 10 oldest college buildings in America. includes UGA’s Old College in its list of “ten of the oldest hallowed hall still in use today.” Criminal records keeping men…
Ferdinand Phinizy was a graduate of the UGA class of 1838. His grandson, Phinizy Calhoun, was a 1900 graduate of the university and established the Ferdinand Phinizy Lectureship. Previous lecturers include John Kenneth Galbraith, Dean Rusk, Walker Percy, Richard Ford, and most recently, Melissa Faye Greene. For the 2015 Phinizy Lecure, we add the name of James Cobb to that list of lumninaries: One of UGA's most distinguished faculty members and…
  Malware is short for malicious software and refers to software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. Our massive technological adavncements have introduced correlated vulnerablities never before imagined and indeed, that would be impossible in the old pen-and-paper world. Fortunately, our advances also include programs meant to disrupt and protect from these…
Very interesting, topical and timely conference coming up next week at the Georgia Center: Top women who study topics in medicine, global hunger and obesity will share their experiences at the ninth annual Global Educational Forum on March 19 at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education. This year's conference theme, "Women in Science and Medicine: Challenges, Achievements and Way Forward," brings experts from around the globe to…
Support for and promotion of the humanities and arts might appear to be a lower priority in many instances, for reasons we need not go back through. But one thing (at least) remains clear: vigorous support for the humanities and arts lets all and sundry know how and where they are vital, while providing inestimable opportunities for faculty, students and the campus community. That describes our Willson Center, and in a mark of our campus…
Four UGA faculty members have been named Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professors, the university's highest recognition for excellence in instruction at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including professor and mathematics department head Malcolm Adams: In bestowing the Meigs Professorship, the university communicates its commitment to excellence in teaching, the value placed on the learning experiences of students and the…
Weather, unrest around the world, linguistics, anti-vaccine outbreaks, Franklin faculty expertise is in high demand across all media platforms. A sampling from the month of February: Q&A with Valerie Babb, Franklin professor of English and director of UGA’s Institute of African American Studies – Red & Black English professor Bill Kretzschmar was interviewed on CNN regarding linguistics analysis of an ISIS Jihadist who speaks on videos…
Edge is interested in the stories that can be told about people through discussions about food and how those stories may help lead to better understanding across cultural lines. His organization's mission statement reads: "The Southern Foodways Alliance documents, studies and celebrates the diverse food cultures of the changing American South. We set a common table where black and white, rich and poor-all who gather-may consider our history and…
Congratulations to Jennifer Palmer and Peter Jutras, two of this year's three recipients of the Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching: The awards were established by the Russell Foundation and named for Richard B. Russell, the university alumnus who served Georgia in public office for 50 years, including almost 40 years as U.S. Senator. The awards, first presented in the 1991-1992 academic year, are administered…
The Office of Service Learning is planning an Experience UGA field trip for Clarke County second grade students. The field trip will take place over 4 days in April (7th-10th) during National Public Health Week. Each of the four days UGA will host ~250 students as they rotate through 4 stations focused on health. The four stations are: Physical Activity, Nutrition, Hand Washing & Germs, & Bullying Prevention. UGA undergraduates and…
Happy Presidents Day. Scientific American has a great post about a little-known work by Edgar Allen Poe that presented a kind of preview of modern physics and cosmology: According to Robinson, Eureka has always been “an object of ridicule,” too odd even for devotees of Poe, the emperor of odd. But Robinson contends that Eureka is actually “full of intuitive insight”–and anticipates ideas remarkably similar to those of…
Because UGA has no dedicated pre-law major (nor should it, appropriately), students can select from a variety of Franklin College, SPIA and other majors as a solid preparation for entering professional training for the J.D. degree. From English to history, sociology to philosophy and classics, not to mention any of the sciences, if a student has decided on the law as a career path, the Franklin College is replete with options to build a unique…
Friday, February 6 is a bountiful day of public lectures on campus, headlined by the annual Hunter-Holmes Lecture in the chapel at 2 pm, anchored between two important departmental lectures. Beginning with: The Women’s Studies Friday Speaker Series Lecture "Double Consciousness in the 21st Century: Negotiating Identities Among Academically Successful Black Women," Danielle Dickens, a lecturer in the Department of Psychology. Then the…
There is perhaps no bigger issue in the United States than the future of free, high quality, mandatory public education. Our community is particulalry attuned to the ebbs and flows of this debate: the trends, the funding, the new initiatives and the various brands of snake oil on offer. To continue this important public discussion, public education advocate Anthony Cody visits campus and presents a lecture at the Chapel this afternoon: Anthony…
A few notes on the many recent awards, honors and career accomplishments by Franklin College faculty and alumni: Franklin alumnus, actor and singer Titus Burgess (AB ’01), former cast member on NBC’s  30 Rock , has a new show written by Tina Fey coming to Netflix soon. “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” stars Ellie Kemper and Jane Krakowski. David P. Landau, Distinguished Research Professor and Founding Director of the Center…
Franklin College faculty play a vital public role by sharing their expertise in the media on a range of subjects. A sampling from just the past month: Visualization of Native American dispossession by Russell Professor in American History Claudio Saunt continues to be featured in the news media,, UK Daily Mail. On the Subject f 2014 having been the warmest year in modern history, Athletic Association Professor of Geography and…
The 'Yankee' characterization seems to be one that will not die, and when it comes to UGA's founder Abraham Baldwin, also one that seems to be deserved. Both will be the focus of upcoming festivities to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the university's founding: the UGA Alumni Association will celebrate the occasion by hosting a weeklong series of events, including the 13th annual Founders Day Lecture on Jan. 26 at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel.…
The University of Georgia Regents' Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) is one of three centers across the state of Georgia established by the University System of Georgia (USG) Board of Regents to provide assessment, training, research, and resources related to students who have learning disorders (e.g., Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disorders, and Traumatic…
Congratulations to English professor and novelist LeAnne Howe, who will receive the Modern Language Association of America Prize for Studies in Native American Literatures, Cultures and Languages this weekend: Howe will receive the honor for her book, "Choctalking on Other Realities," at a ceremony at the MLA annual convention Jan. 10 in Vancouver, British Columbia. An international lecturer and scholar, Howe is an enrolled citizen of the…

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