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Tags: Society

Next Month, UGA will celebrate many Franklin College students, faculty, staff and alumni during Thinc! week - an inititaive to shine the spotlight on entrepreneurs and the spirit that moves them: UGA started the Thinc. initiative to make sure that the next generation of leaders and innovators learns how to take their ideas from concept to reality. The initiative promotes entrepreneurship and fosters economic development in the region by…
“Dr. Malmberg exhibits an exemplary level of dedication to students and to his colleagues here at the University of Georgia,” said Pamela Whitten, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost. “In many ways, this university is a better place because of his contributions.” Fausto O. Sarmiento, a professor of geography and director of the UGA Neotropical Montology Collaboratory, will chair the International Research and Scholarly…
Our faculty continue to do an outstanding job of offering comments and quotes in a variety of media. A sampling from this month: Chimps outsmart kids at computer games – News Track India article quotes professor of psychology Dorothy Fragaszy, director of UGA’s Primate Cognition and Behavior Laboratory  Athens Banner Herald article, Little flying machine is new research tool for UGA scientists , quotes Tommy Jordan, director of…
Enjoying Spring Break in Athens - Ideas for entertainment, education By JESSICA LUTON   It’s Spring Break at UGA and campus is quiet this week.  However if you’re in town and looking to enjoy this beautiful weather, there are quite a few seasonal events worth checking out. Here’s my list of UGA-related things to do over Spring Break in the area.    1. It’s Women’s History Month.  Celebrate the…
Huge congratulations to the former dean of the Franklin College, Garnett Stokes, who was tapped to be the interim president at Florida State University, effective April 1. An alumna and former UGA faculty member in the department of psychology, Stokes became Franklin College dean in 2004. She accepted the position of Provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at FSU in 2011.      
An interesting take from one of the Chronicle of Higher Ed blogs on the humans systems implications of our increasing ability to subdivide time into tinier and tinier increments: Yet we are still some way off coming to terms with analyzing these developments. They require mathematical expertise that is still in short supply. One of the most exciting academic developments of recent years has been the way in which mathematics and statistics suited…
Congratulations to Bettina Kaplan, associate professor of Spanish, and Peter Smagorinsky of the College of Education who were named recipients of the 2014 Service-Learning Excellence Awards: The awards, established in 2011 by the Office of Service-Learning, recognize distinction in teaching and research related to academic service-learning. ... Since 2002, Kaplan has taught the course "Spanish Practicum for Service-Learning," which she designed…
They also heard from a series of UGA undergraduates involved in biological research, including Dervin Cunningham of Albany, who admitted that when he first visited UGA he never imagined he could be doing the kind of research he does today – investigating how a fungus attacks tomatoes and how tomatoes resist. Great job everyone - students, faculty, our new Provost and high school staff who helped get the students to campus. As Dr. Farmer…
To mark the 70th anniversary of the publication of "Strange Fruit," Lillian Smith's best-selling novel about interracial love, the Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries presents "Jordan is So Chilly: An Encounter with Lillian Smith," a solo performance drawn largely from unpublished autobiographical writings by the author. The performance title "Jordan is So Chilly," comes from the name of an African-American…
Because our office is constantly engaged with this, communicating about research and scholarship is a near and dear priority. And of course, as the Franklin College, we are home to so many great scholars and scientists that it is must that we share this expertise as widely as possible. But communicating with the public, and especially the media, can be a challenge. Now the Graduate School is organizing a workshop series designed to help our…
Franklin College faculty continue to be quoted and to share their wide range of expertise across a variety of media of platforms. A sample from the past month: Atlanta Council President Ceasar Mitchell joins American Meteorological Society President J. Marshall Shepherd during the 94th AMS Annual Meeting in Atlanta AMS conferece also covered by the Red & Black Shepherd was also a featured guest on the CBS Sunday morning program Face the…
                            Many awards, grants and other forms of recognition for our faculty and staff already in the New Year. A sampling: Lecturer and playwright John Patrick Bray saw a production of his short plays performed by members of University Theatre at the Seney-Stovall Chapel in early February Henry "Fritz" Schaefer was included in a list of the 50 most…
Heads up for a great event next Friday, Franklin College faculty headline what's sure to be a substantive discussion in the lead up to this year's Academy Awards: A roundtable panel on director Steve McQueen's "12 Years a Slave" on Feb. 21 at 4 p.m. in Room 148 of the Miller Learning Center will bring together University of Georgia faculty members to discuss the Academy Award-nominated 2013 film. The event is the latest in an ongoing series of…
  Be Inspired at Tonight’s Entrepreneurship Panel at the Georgia Theatre By Jessica Luton Students with in an interest in entrepreneurship won’t want to miss an event at the Georgia Theatre tonight.  In conjunction with the Thinc at UGA program, a week-long endeavor dedicated to helping students realize entrepreneurship ideas, tonight’s program will feature four Startup Stories that are sure to inspire you to greater…
Two lectures to attend today By JESSICA LUTON             Professors and professionals alike visit the UGA campus from all over the world, giving our academic community an opportunity to listen in and learn about research topics that we might not be exposed to otherwise. Two lectures in particular today may give you an opportunity to delve into learning more about unique research topics.   …
And as if on cue from the post below, another terrific collaboration that has been in the work for a while comes to fruition. This one is aimed at taking science into the community - the Athens Science Café: Regular meetings held in various locations around Athens where people can come learn about interesting scientific topics in a fun, interactive environment. Each meeting will be led by a professional scientist who is there to introduce some…
Very interesting juxtaposition of forces arrayed this week, highlighted in separate articles, connected by a major weather event and both predicated on an issue critical to the state and UGA: economic development. First, the Columns article, Downtown Connector, about the importance of linking the new Office of Economic Development to important partners in Atlanta: Sixty-five miles is the distance between UGA's hub in Athens and Atlanta, Georgia'…
Because of the snow and related impediments to travel, a series of scheduled campus events for today have been postponed. These include this morning's Mason Public Leadership lecture, featuring former U.S. secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin, The Willson Center's Global Georgia Initiative public lecture by composer Tania León and the Visiting Artist/Scholar lecture by Luke Syson in the school of art. Our thanks and safe travels to these…
UGA welcomes Michael Summers, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Distinguished Professor at the University of Maryland, to present a public lecture promoting STEM education among minority students on Jan. 30 at 2:30 p.m. in Masters Hall at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Summers' lecture - and separate presentation on his research - is sponsored by the Franklin Visiting Scholars Program: Summers' STEM lecture is titled…
Happy Friday. This is fantastic: Washington, D.C. - Lawrence Harris, a college adviser at Clarke Central High School in Athens and a member of the Georgia College Advising Corps, a program sponsored by the University of Georgia's Institute of Higher Education and part of the national College Advising Corps, was recognized by President Barack Obama at the White House summit on expanding college access held on Jan. 16. "Lawrence went to the…
The end of the year and early 2014 has been a very active time for Franklin College faculty work and expertise. Their contributions to the public discussions on a range of subjects remains an important aspect of our work. Here are a few recent instances: As we noted, Georgia Athletic Association Professor J. Marshall Shepherd of the department of geography was part of panel on the Polar Vortex convened by the White House Office of Science and…
Our reliance on technology, hardware and software, seems beyond complete at this point. A contradiction maybe, but it illustrates the continual pressure under which a discipline like computer science operates - educating people in an always-expanding range of scientific and practical paradigms in computation and its applications. One of the 30 departments in the Franklin College, Computer Science is a robust unit that serves a variety of…
In Spring semester 2014, the Franklin College will offer an innovative new course for residents of Rutherford Hall. The course, Social Entrepreneurship in the Arts and Sciences: FCID 3700S, call number 43-114, will be co-taught by Franklin College Dean Alan Dorsey and Dr. Paul Matthews, assistant director of the UGA Office of Service Learning. The 1-credit seminar, on Thursdays from 5 to 6:15 p.m. in Rutherford Hall, will include information for…

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