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Tags: Society

Three distinguished faculty members at the University of Georgia have received one of the highest honors a scientist can earn, election to the National Academy of Sciences. The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit institution that was established under a congressional charter signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. It recognizes achievement in science by election to membership and — with the National Academy of…
UGA's J. Marshall Shepherd has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an honorary society that recognizes and celebrates the excellence of its members and is also an independent research center that convenes leaders from across disciplines, professions and perspectives to address significant challenges. This highly prestigious national honor comes in the same year that Shepherd, the Georgia Athletic Association…
The Office of Instruction announced the Outstanding Academic Advisor Award recipients, which include Franklin College staff members Jennifer Patrick and Elizabeth Fuller. Elizabeth Fuller, Outstanding Professional Advisor, is known for her genuine and calm demeanor, which has served her well in her 16 years in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. She currently serves as the lead advisor for the Division of Biological…
Kristie Soares, assistant professor of women and gender studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, will deliver the 27th annual Andrea Carson Coley Lecture in LGBT Studies at the University of Georgia on April 23 at 12:30 p.m. The lecture, “Dancing with Death: Celia Cruz’s Azúcar and Queer of Color Survival” will take place virtually on Zoom. It is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register here. Soares will…
Cindy Hahamovitch, B. Phinizy Spalding Distinguished Professor of Southern History in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, has been awarded a 2021 Fellowship by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Hahamovitch is one of 184 artists, writers, scholars and scientistschosen through a rigorous peer-review process from almost 3,000 applicants. Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated…
Claire Bunn and Yoong “Terry” Phang are among 410 undergraduates across the nation to be recognized as Barry Goldwater Scholars in 2021, earning the highest undergraduate award of its type for the fields of the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. Bunn, from Marion, Arkansas, is a third-year Foundation Fellow and Stamps Scholar majoring in genetics and minoring in statistics. Phang, from Cumming…
When she started her stint as head teaching assistant in the Physics and Astronomy Department in August 2019, Lauren Sgro’s life was pretty well mapped out. The Ph.D. candidate had time to work on her dissertation – concerning dust around red dwarfs – while keeping up with head TA duties, such as teaching the new TAs how to do their once-a-week labs and helping anyone with questions. Then the pandemic hit. “After COVID-19, the position…
Man Kit “Karlo” Lei came from humble beginnings in Macau, China. His mother was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease and died five years later when Lei was a teenager. It was a difficult time, but fortunately, he had good support through school and from friends. He thrived despite the challenges, earning degrees in law and sociology at National Taiwan University and then the University of Georgia. Lei’s studies led him to a question: Why do…
Three UGA faculty members, two from the Franklin College, have been named recipients of the Richard B. Russell Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, which recognize outstanding instruction by faculty members early in their academic careers. The Russell Foundation established the Russell Awards during the 1991-1992 academic year to honor the late U.S. Sen. Richard B. Russell. The awards include a $10,000 cash award: The 2021…
The UGA Athletic Association is making a strong statement about vaccinations, working with the Georgia Department of Public Health to promote the increased availability of the COVID-19 vaccines in the state and encourage those that wish to receive it to make an appointment. This past Saturday, dozens of UGA Athletic Association coaches and staff members received their first dose: Among those that have now received at least one dose of the…
Each year, an estimated 800,000 people are trafficked globally, though the true number may be higher. In a quest to arm officials and stakeholders around the globe with more accurate and trusted data to better understand and address this global problem, the University of Georgia has established a new interdisciplinary center to combat human trafficking through research, programming and policy development: The Center on Human Trafficking Research…
Two UGA faculty members have been named University Professors, a title bestowed on those who have had a significant impact on the university in addition to fulfilling their regular academic responsibilities. The 2020-2021 honorees are Timothy Adams Jr., the Mildred Goodrum Heyward Professor in the Hugh Hodgson School of Music, and James N. Moore, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Distinguished Research Professor in the…
COVID, Post-COVID, Fish oil and work/life balance were a few of the many recent subjects of media interest informed by Franklin College faculty expertise. A sample from the past the month: After years of early storms, forecasters consider moving start of hurricane season to May 15 – Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences, quoted by the Sun Sentinel Why is…
UGA alumnus, Tribal king and President of the University of Millersville Daniel Wubah visited UGA recently to deliver the 2021 African Studies Spring lecture. Bat'sé Smart, Graduate Teaching Assistant in the African Studies Institute, wrote a summary of Dr. Wubah's remarks. By Bat'sé Smart To commemorate the African Studies Institute's 2021 Spring lecture, Daniel Wubah delivered an inspirational and informational address…
"Unworthy Republic, The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory" by Claudio Saunt, Distinguished Research Professor and Richard B. Russell Professor in American History, is one of two acclaimed works that will be awarded the 2021 Bancroft Prizes in American History and Diplomacy by Columbia University Libraries: The Bancroft Prize, which includes an award of $10,000 to each author, is administered…
Hundreds of apple varieties thrived in orchards across North Georgia a century ago, before an evolving apple industry swept them off shelves and tables, never to return. But with the help of a dedicated group of University of Georgia researchers, Extension agents and volunteer enthusiasts, Georgia’s lost apple varieties are making a comeback. The newly planted Heritage Apple Orchard, located at UGA’s Georgia Mountain Research…
Women have been leaders in the field of statistics for decades, with contributions ranging from theoretical developments to applications in biology, climatology and medicine. A recent paper by University of Georgia statistics professor Lynne Billard, “Women Trailblazers in the Statistical Profession,” provides a historical introduction to these remarkable scholars from around the globe. Billard met or knew several of these extraordinary…
A new exhibit at the Special Collections Libraries chronicles the journey of students advocating for a more inclusive learning environment at the University of Georgia over the past six decades. The exhibit, “Making Space: Fighting for Inclusion, Building Community at UGA,” begins with the experiences of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter (now Hunter-Gault), the first Black students to enroll at UGA in 1961, as well as other early path-…
Each year, UGA and the Franklin welcome hundreds of new transfer students to campus. Our Office of Student Academic Services and Transfer Academic Services provide on-boarding support and guidance for new students as they adjust to campus. Peer allies are also a vital component of helping students acclimate to the campus community, especially in such challenging times: Change can be nerve-wracking, especially for incoming college…
The African Studies Institute presents the 2021 Virtual Spring Lecture on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. University of Georgia alumnus Daniel A. Wubah, President of Millersville University, Pennsylvania will deliver this year’s lecture, “Rethinking Hierarchy: Perspective on Servant Leadership as a King and University President.” The virtual event is free and the public is invited to attend. The African Studies Spring…
Carolyn Medine, professor of religion and director of the Institute for African American Studies, will lead a virtual conversation March 2 at 4 p.m. centered on the historic Morton Theatre Corporation’s Defiance Project Awards, a series of grants in support of projects "created to document and/or explore the Black Lives Matter Movement and/or everyday experience.” The event is presented by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts as part…
When she earned her doctorate in mathematics from the University of Georgia in 1966, just five years after the university was desegregated, Shirley Mathis McBay was already on her way to becoming one of our most important Georgia Groundbreakers: It’s been over 30 years since Shirley Mathis McBay first went to Capitol Hill with an urgent message. She implored members of Congress to take action to increase the numbers of minorities…
From winter storms and the polar vortex to volcanoes, COVID romance and insect couple longevity, Franklin College faculty expertise was present across global media during February. A sample: Is Texas really a serious rival in Silicon Valley? Stephen Mihm, associate professor of history, writing in the ExBulletin Research finds link between CO2, big volcano eruptions – research by assistant professor of geology Mattia Pistone reported…
Foundation Fellow Zakiyya Ellington came to UGA, in part for the big sports atmosphere—and in part for the travel associated with her fellowship. She’s studied at Oxford, and traveled to Tanzania, Morocco, Spain, France and Costa Rica. Still one of her favorite UGA experiences was playing women’s club rugby, which taught her to be fearless. In describing her study abroad experiences, Ellington said: After freshman year, I completed a…
The 60th anniversary of UGA's desegregation, our newest Gates Cambridge Scholar and welcome news from the National Academy of Engineering headline Franklin College kudos for February: J. Marshall Shepherd, the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences, elected to the National Academy of Engineering –UGA Today Athens CEO, WGAU University of Georgia commemorates 60th…

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