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Tags: Society

UGA Eidson Chair of American Literature LeAnne Howe (Choctaw) has coedited WHEN THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD WAS SUBDUED, OUR SONGS CAME THROUGH: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, the first comprehensive collection of Native poetry. The collection, which gathers work from the seventeenth century to the present, representing more than 160 poets from 91 indigenous nations, is available from W. W. Norton & Company August 25…
From debunking COVID myths to explaining its real impacts on work, play and even dining, Franklin faculty have stepped up to supply expertise across numerous fields on issues throughout the media. A sample from this summer: When schools closed in 1916, some students never returned – associate professor of history Stephen Mihm at Yahoo! News Remote work is here to stay – associate professor of psychology Kristen Shockley in…
Congratulations to the many Franklin College faculty, students, and alumni on awards, grants, fellowships and other recognition of scholarly activity we learned about over the summer. A sampling of recent accolades for our terrific colleagues: Lisa A. Fusillo, professor of dance in the Franklin College, has been selected by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor…
The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences joins the university in welcoming the Class of 2024. More than 5,600 first-year undergraduate students who make up the UGA Class of 2024 are beginning their studies at an unprecedented time in the institution’s history. Yet like the students who came before them, they bring an extraordinary record of academic success and boundless aspiration to the birthplace of public higher education. UGA is…
On August 18, 1920, the United States ratified the #19thAmendment guaranteeing all American women the right to vote. We celebrate the suffragists who bravely fought the fight for equality, as well as the many women leading our country today. Our most important right and duty as citizens depends on full participation. This historic centennial offers an unparalleled opportunity to commemorate a milestone of democracy and to explore its…
Something most everyone can relate to in our extended, present moment – Zoom Fatigue – has entered the lexicon to capture the emotional exhaustion, anxiousness, and worry that may accompany the high volume of virtual meetings. Kristen Shockley, associate professor of psychology, unpacks the HR impacts and how professionals can help in a new article: Understanding the physical and psychological factors behind video…
Ask Me Anything is an interactive online session between alumni and UGA faculty members from diverse academic disciplines. Experts from UGA will discuss the effects of this global pandemic on their specific area of expertise and provide participants the opportunity to ask questions. This month, there are two extraordinary opportunities with Franklin Faculty, beginning tomorrow August 4, with assistant professor of sociology Ryon Cobb.…
Outbreaks of harmful algae have increased in recent years due to warming trends and longer summer seasons. Also called cyanobacterial algal blooms or CyanoHABs, these large-scale ecological disturbances are often caused by increased urbanization, nutrient pollution, poor waste management and warming weather. The algae can produce toxins that are harmful to humans, pets and aquatic ecosystems. The CyanoTRACKER project, a collaboration between…
The University of Georgia Alumni Association unveiled its 40 Under 40 Class of 2020. This annual recognition program celebrates the personal, professional and philanthropic achievements of successful UGA graduates under the age of 40. This year’s honorees work in a variety of industries and include 12 UGA alumni with Franklin College degrees. Today we feature Ginny Barton Bowen (BS '04), Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Centers for Disease…
One of the greatest Americans of his or any other time, U.S. Congressman John Lewis passed away at the age of 80. Lewis represented Georgia's 5th congressional district since 1987 and has positively impacted American life in countless ways. We are indebted for his selfless acts of courage, perseverance and generosity in service of fulfilling our nation's highest ideals. Lewis presented the 2011 Mary Frances Early Lecture at UGA.…
REUs or Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs, funded by the National Science Foundation, typically offer students hands-on research experience through campus-based programs dedicated to a variety of topics. Shady Kuster is participating in an REU focused on genomics and computational biology that’s led by Jonathan Arnold. Additional REUs hosted online at UGA this summer include programs on nanotechnology and biomedicine, led by…
An interdisciplinary team of scientists studying thousands of oyster shells along the Georgia coast, some as old as 4,500 years, has published new insights into how Native Americans sustained oyster harvests for thousands of years, observations that may lead to better management practices of oyster reefs today. Their study, led by University of Georgia archaeologist Victor Thompson, was published July 10 in the journal Science…
The EMPOWER Lab in the department of psychology - Engaging Minorities in Prevention Outreach Wellness Education and Research – is an important new development within our campus community. Racial stressors, the verbal, behavioral, or environmental stressors that individuals experience because of their race, may include being ignored or insulted by White coworkers, not being considered for jobs or positions, being told that…
On May 9, 1754, Benjamin Franklin published the political cartoon “Join, or Die” in the Pennsylvania Gazette, a Philadelphia-based newspaper that he owned. One of the oldest known political cartoons, this image was originally designed to rally the American colonies to behind the British cause in the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The pro-Britain cartoon is usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin himself, and yet, just twenty two years after…
The pandemic continues to inspire creative responses in and out of the classroom. Faisal Hossain, a computer science major at the University of Georgia, and William Darko, a computer science and mathematics major at Hunter College, have developed a web application to provide the public with a better quantitative understanding of the current state of COVID-19.  The application features an interactive globe with the infected…
The Institute for African American Studies has announced the winners of the Lee Roy B. Giles Encouragement Award, established in 2010 by his wife, Dr. Freda Scott Giles, Professor Emeritus in the Institute.  The Award honors the legacy of Mr. Giles with a cash award given to a student who has exhibited excellence in the area of African American Studies, whether in research, practical application, or academic experience. The…
The 155th anniversary of the holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the United States: From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics…
Board of Regents Chairman Sachin Shailendra and Chancellor Steve Wrigley of the University System of Georgia (USG) have asked an advisory group to review and study the names of buildings and colleges on all USG campuses and report to the Board on any recommended changes. “It is important to the Board of Regents that USG represents the very best of our state and 333,000 students who are working to attain their degrees from our colleges and…
A February panel discussion featured by Write@UGA 2020 and moderated by Cristyn Elder, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of New Mexico, focused on strengthening the community around writing at UGA. The Writing and Thriving panel featured nine writing leaders from seven schools and colleges across UGA:     Ben Ehlers, Associate Professor of History, Writing…
The Language Flagship is a national initiative to change the way Americans learn languages through a groundbreaking approach to language education for students from kindergarten through college. Through a network of 31 Flagship Programs at 21 institutions of higher education across the U.S., The Language Flagship graduates students who will take their place among the next generation of global professionals, commanding a superior level of…
From Zoom meetings to marathon telephone calls, the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing protocols have effected how workers of every stripe conduct business from home, altering our work environments while we continue our organizations' operations. The effects of the rapid transition to working remotely is the focus of a new research project in the department of psychology: There is not a lot of…
Alumni Career Services in the UGA Career Center is stepping forward to help meet the challenges of the current economic climate, with over 30 career-related programs for alumni. The Alumni Job Search Bootcamp, for example: The University of Georgia now offers a free 4-week course for all UGA alumni to assist them in their job search. Tips and strategies in this course will help alumni understand what employers in today’s market are…
UGA undergraduates, including hundreds of Franklin College majors, shared their research endeavors in a new way this spring during the 2020 Virtual CURO Symposium held April 21-24: After mentoring from faculty members across various UGA colleges, students shared a total of 580 posters and oral presentations using UGA’s eLearning Commons. Student presenters, faculty members and anyone who requested access were able to…
The UGA Center for Theologically Engaged Anthropology podcast new episode, "Religion in the Age of Social Distancing," examines the rapid religious changes happening in churches due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In a discussion that includes interviews with Derrick Lemons, director of CTEA and associate professor of religion, and Debra Mason, Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri, host Lily Baldwin looks at how…
For 7,324 UGA students, including 5,958 undergraduates, today is the day. Even the absence of our spring Commencement exercises cannot and should not dampen our joy over the hard-won achievements of this extraordinary group. The unique situation of a quiet campus on Commencement only emphasizes our reverence for completing this monumental journey. Congratulations to all the graduates, their families and loved ones! Stay safe and healthy as…

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