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Tags: Society

Stuckey's roadside convenience store chain has been on America's highways since its founding in 1937, today with 70 locations in 17 states. Like so many retail operations, its business has been challenged as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But led by President and CEO Stephanie Stuckey (AB, '88, JD, '92), Stuckey's is supporting the men and women who drive trucks and keep America - and Stuckey's -…
UGA junior Angela Tsao is working to advance research at the intersection of computer science and sustainability, and her focus has earned her national recognition as a 2020 Udall Scholar: She was one of 55 undergraduates selected from across the nation and U.S. territories for the scholarship, which is awarded to sophomores and juniors on the basis of their commitment to careers in the environment, Native health care or Tribal…
New books, service, SEC and Honors Week highlights dominate the recent accolades for Franklin College faculty, postdocs and graduate students. A sample: The Poetry Society of America published  “Someone’s Getting the Best, the Best, the Best of You . . .”  a poem by Ed Pavlić, professor of English and creative writing on poem from and short essay about his new book. The poem is about Prince, on the…
Archaeologists from UGA and the Florida Museum of Natural History have discovered the location of Fort San Antón de Carlos, home of one of the first Jesuit missions in North America. The Spanish fort was built in 1566 in the capital of the Calusa, the most powerful Native American tribe in the region, on present-day Mound Key in the center of Estero Bay on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Archaeologists and historians have long suspected…
  Richard Morrison, associate professor in the department of chemistry, is one of five University of Georgia faculty members named Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professors for 2020, the university’s highest recognition for instruction at the undergraduate and graduate levels: As director of Organic Chemistry Instruction in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of chemistry, Richard Morrison oversees all aspects of…
University of Georgia faculty member Jennifer Palmer has been named a 2020 recipient of an American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. The ACLS Fellowship program honors scholarship in the humanities and humanistic social sciences with the potential to make significant contributions to knowledge in their fields. The awards range from $40,000 to $75,000 and support six to 12 months of full-time research and writing. Palmer, associate…
Tessa Andrews and Jerry Shannon are among three University of Georgia faculty members named recipients of the Richard B. Russell Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the university’s highest early career teaching honor: “By recognizing early career faculty for exemplary instruction, the University of Georgia communicates the high value it places on creating outstanding learning experiences and outcomes for students,” said S.…
Lillian Eby, a professor of psychology and director of the University of Georgia Owens Institute for Behavioral Research, has been named UGA’s 2020 recipient of the Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award: Eby, a professor in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, is recognized both nationally and internationally for her impact on the field of industrial-organizational psychology, with particular emphases…
New research from anthropology professor Victor Thompson sheds light on innovative hunter-gatherer practices in early Florida: [The] Calusa ruled South Florida for centuries, wielding military power, trading and collecting tribute along routes that sprawled hundreds of miles, creating shell islands, erecting enormous buildings and dredging canals wider than some highways. Unlike the Aztecs, Maya and Inca, who built their empires…
Selection for fellowships, nimble expertise in the confines of social distancing and new books highlight our congratulations to Franklin faculty this month. Well done! The Institute of Bioinformatics Collective Behavior Symposium on March 20 successfully transitioned to a virtual experience for participants on very short notice. The original plan was to host 150 people, but 407 “showed up," said Jonathan Arnold,…
New books, along with perspective and insights on COVID-19, brought the work of Franklin faculty into a variety of media during March. A sample of the coverage and noted expertise: ‘Unworthy Republic’ Takes an Unflinching Look at Indian Removal in the 1830s - new book by Richard B. Russell Professor in American History Claudio Saunt reviewed in the New York Times The Stories That Skewed American Popular Memory of the Civil War,…
In these uncertain times, The Willson Center is taking the lead in supporting graduate students and community-based artists and practitioners. Shelter Projects, a micro-fellowship program to support in the creation of shareable reflections on the current pandemic through the arts and humanities: The Shelter Projects program is a partnership of the Graduate School, the UGA Arts Council, the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences,…
Best known for his works on the mystical practice of meditative recollection, Franciscan friar Francisco de Osuna published his candid manual for lay life, Norte de los estados (North Star) in 1531 before leaving Spain to reside in Antwerp. Professor of Spanish Dana Bultman has published the first modern edition in Spanish restores Osuna’s reformist voice and expansive vision to the animated conversations on marriage and…
As UGA transitions to online instruction on March 30 for the remainder of the spring semester, Center for Teaching and Learning director Megan Mittelstadt and Stephen Balfour, director of the Office of Online Learning, share some importance advice to keep in mind during the coming weeks: Empathy. Both faculty and students will have competing demands on their time and emotional resources in the coming weeks. They may…
The University of Georgia continues to provide updates on operations, instruction and facilities to the campus community. Please consult the following pages and links for guidance during this time.  
From the coordinated blinking of fireflies to the synchronized movement of flocks of birds or schools of fish and even the exploration pattern of roots in the soil, collective behavior characters all domains of biology – animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and viruses. The University of Georgia Institute of Bioinformatics presents the State of the Art Symposium on Collective Behavior Friday, March 20, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Masters Hall…
American culture values the freedom to change and reinvent one’s self. A new study, however, reveals that Americans who do change tend to report a lower sense of well-being. University of Georgia psychologists compared individual self-concepts between Americans and Japanese counterparts and uncovered this essential contradiction about the heroic myth of American individualism: “In Western and particularly American culture there is a notion…
The Institute for Women’s Studies leads UGA recognition of the 2020 national Women’s History Month under the theme “Valiant Women of the Vote,” hosting numerous programs in March that honor the centennial of the 19th Amendment: This year’s Women’s History Month keynote address will be presented by Lisa Tetrault, associate professor of history in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon…
The Peace Corps ranks University of Georgia at No. 5 among large schools on the agency’s list of top volunteer-producing colleges and universities in 2020. There are 64 Bulldogs currently volunteering in countries around the world: UGA made a big leap to No. 5 from last year’s spot at No. 13. “UGA’s commitment to the Peace Corps is ongoing,” said Yana Cornish, director of global education. “The recent growth of participation in the UGA…
National awards from AAAS, the National Council on Public History, Bulldog 100 and electric buses headline our kudos round-up for February. Congratulations all:  Henry 'Fritz' Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry was named the 2019 recipient of the Southern Chemist Award.The award is intended to honor outstanding researchers who have brought recognition to…
Critical views, insights, commentary, and explanation from Franklin College faculty over the month of February. A sample: Column: If you drink milk, thank Big Government, Stephen Mihm, associate professor of history writing in his regular column at Bloomberg February: The cruelest month, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor Marshall Shepherd in the Eau Claire (WI) Leader-Telegram Clay — incredibly…
Beyond the barrier islands of coastal Georgia, the continental shelf extends gradually eastward for almost 80 miles to the Gulf Stream. This broad, sandy shelf largely does not provide the firm foundation needed for the development of reef communities to support recreational and commercial fish species including grouper, snapper, black sea bass and amberjack. “Natural and artificial reef habitats are important to Georgia fisheries because…
‘The Slow Moon Climbs' by Susan Mattern, Distinguished Research Professor of History, ponders the evolutionary benefit that renders women’s lives so valuable post-reproduction: She opens her book with an extraordinary example: that of Hoelun, the mother of the notorious Genghis Khan. Hoelun accomplished far more than simply giving birth to the notorious emperor of the Mongol Empire. Khan has more than 35 million direct male-line…
UGA Libraries’ competition encourages (and rewards!) creativity to help communicate ideas in any format students might imagine: When most people think of climate science, their only visual reference is a disaster movie. But Alison Banks knows that things are more complicated. As she modeled scenarios in her work as a master’s student in geography, Banks was inspired to create her own representation of the possibilities. With an…
J. Marshall Shepherd, a meteorologist whose diverse communication efforts engage a wide audience on weather, climate, and the relationship between science and society, will receive the 2020 Mani L. Bhaumik Award for Public Engagement with Science from the American Association for the Advancement of Science: As the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor and director of the atmospheric sciences program at the University of…

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