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Tags: Society

The University of Georgia Alumni Association recognized the fastest-growing companies owned or operated by UGA alumni during the 11th annual Bulldog 100 Celebration on Feb. 8: The 2020 fastest-growing business, LeaseQuery LLC, is led by CEO George Azih and Chief Revenue Officer Chris Ramsey. Azih earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration in 2003 and Ramsey earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2005.…
Franklin College faculty member Berna Gueneli brings a strong sense for study abroad—and broad study—to her classroom and her research: “Most of my classes are not strictly on film or literature. They are a combination of various media, often with a thematic focus,” she said. “I try to bring in already established canonical voices, like a text by Thomas Mann or Günter Grass, but in the same class, I might also have equally important work by…
Some great opportunities this week to think and learn about introducing the big questions to a younger audience: The UGA department of philosophy and the Office of Service-Learning present a lecture by Tom Wartenberg, “Doing Philosophy with Frog and Toad,” on Thursday Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m. in room 115 of Peabody Hall on UGA’s North campus. A professor emeritus of philosophy at Mount Holyoke College, Wartenberg is one of the leading scholars in…
Boren Scholar and Latin American and Caribbean Studies major Emily Goggin came to UGA with an open mind about her future and found her calling early on. She has studied in Brazil and Ghana, and as an Army ROTC cadet, she will pursue her professional interest in international affairs in the military: During my freshman class registration, I signed up for a first-year seminar class without knowing its subject, teacher or content. It was near…
An interdisciplinary team co-led by sociology faculty member Sarah Shannon was awarded a grant by the Vera Institute of Justice to address increasing incarceration rates in rural communities and the impact of jailing people who are mentally ill or substance abusers: The $235,000 grant will allow faculty from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Social Work to develop a “…
Franklin faculty provided expert commentary and analysis as well as important new research in a strong start to 2020. Here are a few of the top stories so far this year: Voting rights restoration gives felons a voice in more states – associate professor sociology Sarah Shannon quoted by PEW,  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Crime Report, KyForward Five social media posts about weather that need to go…
The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a research fellowship to Rachel Gabara, associate professor in the University of Georgia Franklin College of Arts and Sciences’ department of Romance languages, funded as a part of more than $30 million in new NEH grants for 188 humanities projects nationwide. The fellowship will fund the completion of Gabara’s second book manuscript. The project, “Reclaiming Realism: From Documentary…
Excellence. Service. Commitment. Greatness. The linkage connecting our ideals to their fulfillment is encapsulated in the work and life of a great American. As we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2020, opportunities abound to make it a day of service to our community. The 4th annual MLK Day parade and festival begins at 3 p.m. Monday January 2o. University of Georgia offices will closed in observance. We celebrate the…
The Georgia Debate Union began the second half of its season with strong showings at the Georgetown College Debate Tournament held over the first weekend of 2020 in Washington, DC.   The JV team of Lauren Debranski (senior, Woodstock) and Eshaan Kalra (sophomore, Johns Creek) finished prelims as the only undefeated team with a 6-0 record. They finished the tournament in 3rd place. Their road to 3rd place included wins against George Mason…
Phi Beta Kappa and Biochemistry Peer Learning Assistant Madison Read (Biology (B.S.) and Psychology (B.S.), Spanish minor) plans to serve as advocate to people as a doctor, helping them realize their full potential to take control of their health: During my freshman year, an older friend invited me to a CURE body meeting, and I fell in love with the mission of the organization. CURE at UGA is a campus organization that sponsors a…
The New Year welcomes new students and faculty in the semester beginning next week, a fresh new Sugar Bowl trophy making its way to campus, plus a host of new research stories, concert performances and lectures. Welcome, to the many new faces, and good luck to all students beginning fresh again in the new semester. Get ready! 2020!
The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences wishes you all the best for the holidays and in the new year 2020! University of Georgia offices will be closed beginning December 25 and re-open January 2, 2020.
The many great Franklin College stories of 2019 create a vibrant image of ongoing excellence at every level. Our faculty, students and staff are leading the University of Georgia in its most dynamic era yet. From TED Fellows to Guggenheim Fellowships, imaginative research and teaching draw out the best in our students. Our colleagues provided elegant expression to the fire at Notre Dame de Paris and the death of Toni Morrison,…
The University of Georgia will welcome its newest alumni Dec. 13 as 1,799 undergraduates and 1,263 graduate students—a total of 3,062—have met requirements to walk in the university’s fall Commencement ceremonies. The undergraduate Commencement ceremony is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in Stegeman Coliseum, and tickets are required. The graduate ceremony does not require tickets and will follow at 2:30 p.m. Regent Kessel D. Stelling Jr…
Fortune Magazine pushes back on the persistent misperception that links humanities degrees with low salaries: Robert B. Townsend, director of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Washington, D.C. office, says that humanities majors secure jobs at pretty much the same rate as other people with degrees. “It’s certainly not in line with that picture that gives you the impression that they’re all baristas drowning in debt, and…
Valentine Nzengung, professor of environmental geochemistry in the Franklin College Department of Geology who has conducted groundbreaking research on phytoremediation techniques, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, becoming the eighth UGA faculty member to receive the honor, all since 2013: Nzengung is the founder and CEO of MuniRem Environmental, which provides remediation products and services for…
Students and alumni lead the kudos as we count down to the end of 2019. Congratulations all: Herb Girls Athens, a two-woman team, won the 2018-19 FABricate competition with its signature product, a healthy coffee additive called Rally Coffee. The FABricate competition is designed to empower students to turn their great ideas into working businesses. Eileen Schaffer, an agribusiness master’s degree student, and …
Commensality is the act of gathering to eat and drink. It is a fundamental social activity to create and cement relationships. Virginia Nazarea, professor of anthropology at the University of Georgia, takes this idea and uses it to discuss the creative responses of humans after the dislocation and placelessness that often comes with modernity and globalization.  As people, especially immigrants and refugees, move and change their…
An extraordinary scholar of history and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, assistant professor Cassia Roth brings humility and a passion for scholarship into the classroom: My work looks at the intersection of medicine and law in women’s reproductive lives. My forthcoming book, “A Miscarriage of Justice: Women’s Reproductive Lives and the Law in Early Twentieth-Century Brazil” (Stanford University Press, 2020),…
First-Year Odyssey Seminars are some of the most important early academic experiences students can have at UGA. Broadly-themed courses taught by senior faculty feed a sense of discovery in students about knowledge, about the world, and importantly, about themselves as students begin to learn and cultivate their own interests. Four UGA faculty members, two from the Franklin College have received a 2019 First-Year Odyssey Teaching Award in…
Human trafficking involves recruitment, harboring or transporting people into a situation of exploitation through the use of violence, deception or coercion and forcing victims to work against their will. A process of enslavement,  trafficking affects millions of men, women, and children – including in the United States. It can happen in any community and victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality, and now…
Jiaying Liu and Lawrence Sweet are working to produce scientific data to inform the public about vaping products and to guide efforts toward enacting bans on flavored products: Liu, assistant professor of communication studies, and Sweet, professor of psychology and director of the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory, have teamed up to investigate vaping among young adults. Liu secured internal grant funding through the Office…
The UGA Alumni Association has unveiled the 2020 Bulldog 100 list of fastest-growing businesses owned or operated by UGA alumni, Including 29 alumni honorees from the Franklin College: The 2020 Bulldog 100 includes businesses of all sizes and from industries such as technology, cosmetics, entertainment and education. Companies are based as far north as Virginia and as far west as Nevada. Of the 100 businesses, 84 are located…
From near death experiences to the best and worst days of their lives, the University of Georgia is keeping an archive of student veterans’ stories: The goal is to preserve history, and to date almost 90 histories have been recorded. The stories might include why the student joined the military, what a typical day was like, where they were on Sept. 11, 2001, if they saw active duty, how they would describe service, stories that best…
Former cadet at the United States Military Academy Tom McShea will soon return to West Point on a two-year assignment to teach, after he finishes a master’s degree in American history at UGA: And while at UGA, he’s recording interviews for UGA’s Student Veterans Oral History Project. Working out of the Student Veterans Resource Center,  he asks open-ended questions and the students talk about what…

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