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Tags: Society

The department of communication studies, the Franklin College and the University of Georgia Office of Institutional Diversity host a visit and lecture by Mark P. Orbe professor of communication & diversity at  Western Michigan University. The talk, "'Post-Racial' Politics: Public Perception of Barack Obama," will be held Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 12:30 pm in room 142 of the Tate Student Center. Author of the book Communication Realities in a '…
Lots of great coverage of the Franklin College in Columns this week, including a nice front page story on new faculty member Lawrence Sweet: A clinical neuropsychologist whose research explores the relationship between physical changes in the brain and conditions as diverse as dementia, nicotine dependence and obesity has joined UGA as the inaugural Gary R. Sperduto Professor of Psychology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Lawrence…
  Faculty Kudos, August 2012 “Jousting in Medieval and Renaissance Iberia,” a monograph by Noel Fallows, Professor of Spanish and Associate Dean of International and Multidisciplinary Programs in the Franklin College, earned the prestigious La corónica International Book Award Daniel Krashen, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to create nimble ways to analyze mathematical…
  The Wilkes County News-Reporter highlighted the dedication of a sculpture by Lamar Dodd School of Art Instructor Kinzey Branham that is part of Washington, Georgia’s, new monument to black Revolutionary War soldiers Psychology Professor and Department Head W. Keith Campbell was mentioned in a Washington Times story on the narrowing “he-she” gap in books  and an article on narcissism among politicians. Spalding Distinguished Research…
Traditional academic disciplines have devoted little systematic attention to issues of gender, race, class, and sexuality. In the past 30 years, feminist scholars have contributed to the reinterpretation of existing data and to the presentation of new knowledge about the diversity of women’s experiences. Through course work and outreach, the Institute for Women’s Studies offers students an opportunity to explore women’s lives in global and…
We mention this periodically and should be gladdened at every occasion. University researchers and scientists from all over campus, from engineering to genetics, have been working on various aspects of creating renewable fuels for decades. Now, one group of UGA researchers has moved closer to producing biofuels from biomass, in this case by focusing on microbes in the fermentation process. The single most important barrier to the use…
Our news director, Sam Fahmy, sat down with new Franklin College dean Alan Dorsey for an article published in this week's Columns. Here is Sam's article in full.     “Continuing Education” Alan T. Dorsey takes the helm of the university’s oldest, largest and most academically diverse college   By Sam Fahmy When Alan T. Dorsey became dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences on July 1, he took the helm of a college that…
A monograph by professor of romance languages and associate dean in the Franklin College Noel Fallows has been selected for the prestigious La corónica International Book Award: La corónica is a refereed journal published every spring and fall by the Modern Language Association's Division on Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. It publishes groundbreaking articles written in English or Spanish on topics in medieval…
The City of Washington, Ga., will unveil a new monument featuring a scultpture by UGA instructor Kinzey Branham that honors American patriots who fought in the Revolutionary War - including African Americans and Native Americans - on Aug. 11 at 10 a.m. on the square in downtown Washington.   Branham created a three-piece granite and bronze monument with the bust of American spy James Armistead Lafayette as its centerpiece. The monument…
So this is pretty terrific. A live video feed, refreshed every five seconds, of the construction on the new Rutherford Hall. It's a great use of technology, courtesy of UGA housing. Here's a rendering of the final product, which looks quite similar to the original.   Rutherford Hall is, of course, home to the Franklin Residential College, a student-governed residential college with Franklin that offers a unique intellectual and cultural…
Franklin College faculty were quoted in major national and international media outlets including the New York Times, NBC News and the U.K. Guardian.   Psychology Professor and Department Head Keith Campbell was quoted in a Sydney Morning Herald article on adultery Flagpole described the “Tiny Universe” exhibit at the Lamar Dodd School of Art "unexpected, concise and conspicuously rowdy” Professor of Geography Steven Holloway was…
Olympic medals, a Humboldt Research Award, Georgia History Book of the Year award and NSF CAREER Awards were among the many honors received by Franklin College students and faculty this summer. These include:   Faculty Kudos Stephen Berry has been named the inaugural holder of the Amanda and Greg Gregory Chair in the Civil War Era Gary Douberly and Tina Salguero, Assistant Professors of Chemistry, will each receive $750,000 for five…
UGA senior Orry Young earned a leadership award from the U.S. Army Cadet Command after completing its Leader Development and Assessment Course, also known as Operation Warrior Forge. The award was presented the Warrior Forge Commander's Leadership Award at the July 21 LDAC graduation at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington. He was ranked No. 1 among more than 200 cadets in his training company at the 29-day LDAC program, the capstone training…
The University of Georgia will hold summer commencement exercises this Saturday, Aug.4 at 9:30 a.m. in Stegman Coliseum, as nearly 1,500 students receive their degrees: The exercises will be a combined ceremony for undergraduate and graduate students who complete degree requirements at the end of summer semester. Approximately 742 candidates for bachelor's degrees and 734 candidates for doctoral, master's and specialist in education degrees are…
The Green Revolution refers to a series of research, development and technology transfer initiatives between the 1940's and the late 1970's that increased agricultural production around the world. This campaign disseminated U.S. agricultural methods, such as the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, hybrid seeds and the like to farmers throughout the developing world of the mid-twentieth century. Up to now, most scholars have credited the…
Students and alumni from the Franklin College are doing great things all over the world, here are examples from just two of those we heard about today: Jason Carter, a BFA student in painting and drawing at the Lamar Dodd School of Art has spent the summer working as a studio assistant for Berlin-based artist Michael Markwick. A selection of Jason's most recent works on paper will be on display July 22-23 at Studio M3 in Berlin, Germany. For… ran a story about a very interesting discovery in Ontario - a giant, hitherto unknown 16th century settlement: Occupied between roughly A.D. 1500 and 1530, the so-called Mantle site was settled by the Wendat (Huron). Excavations at the site, between 2003 and 2005, have uncovered its 98 longhouses, a palisade of three rows (a fence made of heavy wooden stakes and used for defense) and about 200,000 artifacts. Dozens of examples of…
Douglas Anderson in the Sterling-Goodman Professor of English at UGA. He has taught and written about Benjamin Franklin throughout his career, including most recently The Unfinished Life of Benjamin Franklin, published by Johns Hopkins in spring 2012. Here he talks about Franklin the man, his ideas about education and his connection to the Franklin College, as well the college's central role at UGA.    
Image: Jefferson Memorial seen across the Tidal Basin at dusk, courtesy Creative Commons license.  
  From Interim Dean Hugh Ruppersburg:    Dear members of the Franklin College community, I am pleased to share with you the outcome of our year-long strategic planning initiative:  "Franklin College:  Framework for the Future" (  As the front page indicates, this plan offers a statement of shared values and aspirations that emerged from discussions throughout the college community, and…
The reality of underrepresentation of various ethnicities in particular fields, whether it is biology or linguistics, is an effective way of framing diversity issues. But outside of its sociological ramifications, making any field more-representative has the added bonus of funneling more people and building more expertise in those fields, and expanding the volume of expertise is an important indirect benefit. This is not to downplay the…
From an interview in The Humanist with New Jersey congressman Rush Holt: The Humanist: How do you define critical thinking? Rush Holt:  Let me define instead what I like to call “thinking like a scientist.” It’s asking questions that can be answered based on evidence; it’s expressing questions in a way that allows someone to check your work. If you don’t have both of those elements, it’s too easy to fool yourself or to get lazy in…
There are so many reasons that Benjamin Franklin was chosen as the namesake for the Franklin College - and every one of them accrues to our benefit as well as feeds our ambitions for what the College should be. None of the noble epithets with which we connect Franklin demonstrates that more than the unfinished autobiography he worked on but purposefully left unfinished so as  'to immerse his reader in the formal and textual atmosphere of a…
The accolades for Franklin College's Bethany Moreton continue to roll in: Bethany Moreton, a University of Georgia associate professor of history and women's studies, was one of 25 professors nationwide selected this year to join the speaker's bureau of the Organization of American Historians, the largest professional society dedicated to the teaching and study of American history. As an OAH Distinguished Lecturer, Moreton will bring her…

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