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Tags: Society

The University of Georgia special collections libraries will celebrate the opening of the Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries with a dedication on Feb. 17 at 11 a.m. on the building's front lawn: The recently named building houses the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, the Walter J. Brown Media Archives and the Peabody Collection. The university broke ground…
Former UGA vice president for public service and outreach Art Dunning returns to campus in March to deliver the 20th annual Darl Snyder lecture: Dunning, vice chancellor for international programs and outreach at the University of Alabama System, will deliver the 20th annual Darl Snyder lecture at the University of Georgia March 6 at 10 a.m. in the Mahler Auditorium of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel…
Former Franklin associate dean Michelle Cook has been named as the new associate provost for institutional diversity at the University of Georgia: Cook has been leading the university's Office of Institutional Diversity as interim associate provost since Cheryl Dozier stepped down to become interim president of Savannah State University. An internal search was conducted to fill the associate provost position. "Dr. Cook has done an outstanding…
When former dean Garnett Stokes stepped down this past August to become provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at Florida State University, senior associate dean Hugh Ruppersburg was named interim dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. A longtime faculty member with vast institutional knowledge of Franklin College as well as a noted scholar of American film and literature, Ruppersburg has taken on the role of dean…
Gender disparities and under-representation continue to plague American boardrooms as well governmnent at every level. Only 22% of all state-wide elective executive office positions are currently held by women. Ninety-two of the 276 members who have ever served in the United States Congress are current Members - 75 in the house and 17 in the Senate. Equal compensation for equal work is one of the cornerstones of building a meritocracy where the…
Professor of English and African American studies Valerie Babb has been named director of the Institute for African American Studies in the Franklin College: “The IAAS is one of UGA’s premier units for engaging in the contemporary exchange of ideas across disciplines,” said Hugh Ruppersburg, interim dean of the Franklin College. “Dr. Babb’s scholarship in American literature and culture will be a vital contribution to the intellectual history…
      Little-known audio of Martin Luther King, Jr., at Glennville High School in Cleveland on April 26, 1967, a little less than a year before his assassination.    Great story of how this recording was found and made available by the Cleveland Plain Dealer, here.    
One of the Franklin College's distinguished experts on the Civil War will be featured at an event for DC-area alumni on Feb. 7. The lecture will focus on the Lincoln Marriage: The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences will host a history lecture in Washington, D.C. on February 7. The lecture, entitled "Inside the White House 1861-1865: The Lincoln Marriage During the Civil War," will be given by UGA associate history professor Dr. Stephen Berry…
I was thinking about the upcoming Martin Luther King Holiday on my walk in this morning, how the Civil Rights Era in the U.S. can sometimes seem distant, abstract and merely iconic. But it is so much more than that. The principles for which people fought, marched and died continue to impact us in very real ways. Equal voting rights and equal civil rights have very real implications for improving society up to and through today. Take education…
Here's a great little post about Apple and Steve Jobs to start the New Year: In June 1976, Steve Jobs went looking for someone to print the manual for the Apple I computer, the first product from the company he had started with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne a few months earlier. Jobs's friend Regis McKenna, the head of Silicon Valley's premier advertising and public relations firm, suggested he contact Mike Rose, who ran a small advertising…
Interesting, if counter-intuitive, research on the implications of mentoring, from the department of psychology: Networking within an organization and having a mentor are widely thought to promote career success, but a new University of Georgia study finds that African-American men don't receive the same measurable benefits from these professional connections that Caucasians do. Study co-author Lillian Eby, a professor in the Industrial-…
UGA news service reports on newly published work by physics and astronomy faculty member, Zhengwei Pan: Materials that emit visible light after being exposed to sunlight are commonplace and can be found in everything from emergency signage to glow-in-the-dark stickers. But until now, scientists have had little success creating materials that emit light in the near-infrared range, a portion of the spectrum that only can be seen with the aid of…

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