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Tags: Society

• Ian Karra, a junior from Roswell who is pursuing degrees in economics and finance from the Terry College of Business. Great news for our students and the institution. The Franklin College proudly honors the many outstanding students in our midst, and a Udall Scholar has particular resonance with the interdisciplinary focus across departments and institutes. As the release states, Black has held national leadership positions in prominent…
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 2, the Graduate School presents the 13th annual Mary Frances Early Lecture at 4 pm in the UGA Chapel. The Speaker is Hank Klibanoff, a Pulitzer Prize winner and the James M. Cox, Jr. Professor of Journalism at Emory University. In 2007, Klibanoff won the Pulitzer Prize in history for his book "The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle and the Awakening of a Nation." The book explores news coverage of civil…
The University of Georgia bestowed one of its highest honors for faculty upon our senior associate dean, Hugh Ruppersburg: Ruppersburg, a long-time faculty member in the English department who also has held leadership posts in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, has been named University Professor. The honor, first awarded in 1974, is bestowed selectively on UGA faculty who have had a significant impact on the university in addition to…
Undergraduate research is one of those great ideas in academia that UGA has utilized to create something truly special. The Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunites was launched way back in the olden days of 1999 and in less than 15 years has solidified a process by which our undergraduates can pursue research projects and experience in tandem with their degree programs. This year's CURO symposium is in April 1, and the great Fran Teague…
Entrepreneurial Week At UGA begins today the next seven days will be replete with events and activities featuring Franklin College students and faculty: Thinc at The University of Georgia is a new initiative that promotes entrepreneurship and fosters economic development in the region by providing inspiration and advice to those contemplating a plunge into the competitive and exciting world of entrepreneurship. Thinc. at UGA brings together…
There are lots of great opportunities to see extraordinary, new and/or rare films each week at the university. A few from this week include: Today, the Institute for Women's Studies presentations for Women's History Month continues with a showing of "It's a Girl," a documentary about the treatment of girls and women in China and India. 7 p.m., 148 SLC/MLC. The 5th annual Cinecittà series continues with "Habemas Papum" on Tuesday, March 19 at 7 p…
Our own Kecia Thomas, psychology professor and senior advisor to the dean in the Franklin College Office of Inclusion and Diversity Leadership, will take part in an interview on Minnesota Public Radio, giving advice on the importance of networking for young minorities: Kecia Thomas, author of "Diversity Dynamics in the Workplace," wrote about mentoring as a key to minority success in professional environments. "Mentoring relationships provide…
Franklin faculty continue to be quoted widely in the news media. A sampling from March 2013: Research on potential triggers for eating disorders by associate professor Ping Shen featured widely in media including Yahoo! News, Medical News Today, Health Canal and others Research led by assistant professor of chemistry Tina Salguero into a pigment known as Egyptian blue that may have modern applications in telecommunications or security ink…
Congratulations and thanks for all you do. Associate professor in the department of plant biology Peggy Brickman was one of two UGA professors to be named 2013 Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professors. Senior associate dean Hugh Ruppersburg was named University Professor. The honor, first awarded in 1974, is bestowed selectively on UGA faculty who have had a significant impact on the university in addition to fulfilling…
The American Academy of Religion awarded one of its highest honors to Carolyn Medine: Medine, a University of Georgia professor in the department of religion and the Institute for African American Studies, has been selected to receive the 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award from the American Academy of Religion. The professional society for scholarship and teaching in the field of religion, the AAR has more 10,000 members who teach in about 1,000…
Next week is spring break and while there's nothing at all wrong with saddling up with friends and heading to a beach to relax, it should be acknowledged that many students will choose to use the week off in a different way: A group of 360 University of Georgia students will forego typical spring break trips like the beach and amusement parks to spend the week of March 9 participating in nearly 14,000 hours of community service work at 19 sites…
They describe surprise in discovering that the calcium copper silicate in Egyptian blue breaks apart into nanosheets so thin that thousands would fit across the width of a human hair. The sheets produce invisible infrared (IR) radiation similar to the beams that communicate between remote controls and TVs, car door locks, and other telecommunications devices. “Calcium copper silicate provides a route to a new class of nanomaterials that are…
The object of the blog isn't to be a calendar of events, but sometimes the broader message of our news is simply the volume (and tone!) of activity that wends its way through the Franklin College and UGA. It's that time of year again - which, really could be almost any week in the academic year. But Spring semester seems to bring out our best. This is just one day - today: The department of English hosts a lecture, "'Let Us Have Faith That Right…
Was the recent Quentin Tarantino film 'Django Unchained' a revenge fantasy? Revisionist history? Harmless escapism? The only thing not in doubt is that Tarantino is a controversial filmmaker. These and other points will be taken up at the next Cinema Roundtable on the film Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. in room 248 of the MLC: organized by the UGA Institute for African American Studies in cooperation with the department of theatre and film studies in…
The First-Year Odyssey program has been an important innovation in teaching but also in introducing freshman to the university setting. The FYO now has a new director: Melissa Harshman, an associate professor in the University of Georgia's Lamar Dodd School of Art, has been named faculty director of the First-Year Odyssey Seminar program. Through the program, small-group academic seminars taught by tenured and tenure-track faculty are offered to…
If anyone was wondering whether there would be any interest in public lectures on big scientific questions, and relatedly, what a packed Chapel for such a discussion would look like, here you are: The Origins Lecture Series continues on Wednesday Feb. 27,  when Claiborne Glover will discuss the origins of biomolecules. Again, arriving early is a good idea. Image: Clumsy author photo and Photoshop job, but you get the idea.
Finding our what's going on with English department faculty like Ron Miller and Esra Santesso, along with news from students and staff, in the new issue of the Park Hall Monitor.
  Chemistry professor Richard Dluhy is part of a team of UGA scientists who recently received a $1.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to further flu research. Their method uses nanotechnology-based lasers that can greatly speed the prediction of impending flu strains and with greater accuracy. Research by department of sociology Ph.D. candidate David R. Johnson was the subject of an Wired Campus story in the Chronicle of…
The work of Franklin College scientists and scholars continue to be reported widely. A sample from the past month:    ‘Geolocation,’ an art project by Lamar Dodd School of Art photography lecturer Marni Shindelman that utilizes Twitter, was featured in web and print publications around the world including, Business Insider, Yahoo! Canada, Gizmodo, The Verge, Andrew Sullivan: The Daily Beast, Animal New York, and the Athens…
Our favorite historian, B. Phinizy Spalding Distinguished Professor in the History of the American South James C. Cobb, kicks of the Global Georgia Initiative with a lecture at 4 p.m. in the Chapel on Jan. 29: He will discuss "De-Mystifying Dixie: Southern History and Culture in Global Perspective." "My hope is to demonstrate that much of the South's perceived weirdness relative to the rest of the United States falls away when it is viewed in…
UGA offices will be closed in observance of the holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Monday January 21. This morning, the University presented four awards to community members working toward equality, diversity and justice as part of the 10th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Breakfast sponsored by UGA, the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government and the Clarke County School District. Mark Farmer, professor of cellular biology…
The UGA-Griffin campus hosts its annual Preview Day on Feb. 12 from 5-7 p.m., where prospective students can learn more about the degree programs available there: UGA-Griffin offers undergraduate degree completion programs in general business, consumer economics, microbiology, special education and agriculture to students who have completed at least two years of undergraduate coursework. In addition, the campus offers graduate degree programs in…
It is generally safe to say that college applications and admissions processes have become more complex over time, especially with the array of online tools now available. It can be 'easier' to apply and check the status of your applications, sure, but there is still a great amount of information about financial aid, scholarships and the institutions themselves tucked away in all the online resources. Students need to know where to look - and…
We like to recognize our students, faculty and staff members who have won awards and commendations as the year progresses. A few of these from the past month include: Faculty kudos: Five UGA faculty members have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The honor, recognizing “scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications,” goes to Elizabeth Jean Reitz (anthropology…
December was a short month on campus but there was no shortage of news stories featuring the work and expertise of Franklin College faculty. A sampling:   Linguistics professor Bill Kretzschmar was quoted in a Fox News article on Google Books study on how language changes over time. Kretzschmar was also quoted in a Florida Times-Union story about Jacksonville’s disappearing Southern accent.   Professor and senior associate dean Hugh…

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